Packungen mit mehr als 24 Pins zum Anschluss Ihrer Controller. Für geteilte Builds müssen Sie 2 Sets kaufen.
Packungen mit mehr als 24 Pins zum Anschluss Ihrer Controller. Für geteilte Builds müssen Sie 2 Sets kaufen.
Prodotto arrivato in tempo, qualità ottima.
Pezzi che ti arrivano non coincidono del tutto con la guida della build nella parte del microcontrollore, non era chiaro quali pezzi da usare per saldarlo.
Per il resto era tutto completo, una volta montato è andato tutto bene.
Sicuramente consiglio l'acquisto
Got them quickly. Nice!
If you have a micro controller in one hand and a PCB in the other, you might be tempted to solder the controller to the board. Well you could alternatively solder a socket to the PCB and then use these little fellas to make it possible to remove the controller without the tedium of removing solder.
Good little pins, what else is there to say
One of the controllers on my keyboard got fried. Having a socketed controller made swapping out the damaged one for a functional one a breeze!
Gives a much better contact in the sockets than using diode legs. Much tidier looking as well.
Well worth the pennies.
Der führende britische Shop für mechanische Tastaturen, kundenspezifische Tastaturen, Bausätze, Teile und alles andere rund um mechanische Tastaturen.
Firmenregistrierungsnummer 10949647
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: GB350501346
Mechboards Ltd., Exchange House, Exchange Square, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9HH, Vereinigtes Königreich
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