MM Studio Class0413 - Extras
Standard Layout :
Soldering PCB (5mm Poron included)
Hotswap PCB
EC PCB: (The plate is single layout supported(2u BS , non split RS), need to customize plate to use other layout)
South Paw Layout:
Soldering PCB (5mm Poron included)
Hotswap PCB
EC Plate (Topre Standard) - Need to cut the top topre housing to install
NIZ EC Accessories include NIZ housings, Silicone domes, Sliders, Springs, and Plate Stabs.
Accessories kit include Type-C daughterboard with buzzer and solenoid, extra screws, bumpons etc.
Foam kit includes: 3.5mm Poron, IXPE sheet, and 2mm case foam.